Potted Fruit Trees Coming Soon!
Flavor King Pluot- Variety Information
- This unique plum-apricot hybrid produces beautiful bouquets of sweet and spicy fruit.
- Ranks among the all-time top five best-flavored fruits at Dave Wilson Nursery tastings.
- Needs a pollinator: Flavor Supreme Pluot, Flavor Queen Pluot, Santa Rosa Plum, or Burgundy Plum.
- Vigorous and prolific.
- USDA Zone 5-10, Requires 400 chill hours to set fruit.
- Protect when temperatures fall below -20°F.
Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): August / September.
- Grafted on Myro 29C rootstock
- Click here to view "Fruit Tree Rootstock Information"
- Click here to view our "Fruit Tree Variety Chart"