Last Chance Sale! 20% off ALL Bare Root Fruit Trees (while supplies last)
Shanxi Li Jujube- Variety Information
- Fresh: Sweet, Apple-like, Crunchy, Crispy
- Dried: Sweet, Date-like, Chewy
- Shanxi Li is the largest jujube in our collection with fruit reaching over 2 inches from end to end.
- Fruit is crisp and sweet when eaten fresh and even more so when dried into a chewy date-like treat.
- Also called Chinese Dates.
- Round, shiny reddish-brown, date-like fruit.
- Great sweet apple flavor.
- Similar to dates when candied and dried.
- Attractive, easy-to-grow tree.
- Hardy, drought-resistant, good in hot desert regions.
- Requires long, hot summers.
- Self-fruitful.
- Mature height is 15-20 feet with a spread of 15-20 feet.
- It withstands wide-ranging temperatures; from over 100° F in the summertime to -20° F during winter dormancy.
- USDA Zone 5-10, Requires 200 chill hours to set fruit.
- Protect when temperatures fall below -20°F.
- This tree will be shipped dormant and bare-rooted.
- See below for "Dormant Tree & Plant Guarantee"
- Require minimal chill and plentiful summer sun and heat to set fruit.
- Prefer sandy, well-drained soils and while tolerating many soil types, do less well in heavy, poorly drained soil.
- Drought tolerant, but better crop with regular water. Winter prune to maintain plant health.
- Jujube trees do have thorns.
- This fruit tree is shipped dormant and bare-rooted.
Click here for our Bare Root Fruit Tree Growing Guide (pdf)
Guia de cultivo para un arbol de raiz desnuda