Lapins Cherry- Variety Information
- Large, firm, dark red cherry.
- Delicious sweet flavor.
- Low chill hours, good choice for milder climates.
- Heavy, late-maturing crops of split resistant fruit sometimes reaching an inch in diameter.
- Attractive upright growth habit.
- Sometimes called the self-fruitful Bing.
- Self-fruitful.
- Cherries are a practical fruit for home orchards where climate and soil conditions are suitable.
- Grafted onto Mazzard rootstock
- Harvest 4-5th year.
- USDA Zone 5-9, Requires 400 chill hours to set fruit. Protect when temperatures fall below -20°F.
- Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): June.
- Once established, they require little maintenance and are reliable producers.
- Best adapted to areas where summers are moderately cool.
- The trees dislike high humidity.
- Usually, the last fruit to bloom and first to ripen.
- Most cherry varieties require a pollinator, but Lapins do not need a pollinator.
- Sweet cherries can reach 25-30 feet tall in deep soils.
- Sensitive to wet, tight soils.
- Susceptible to birds, brown rot, and bacterial canker.