Fantasia Yellow Nectarine - Variety Information
- Large yellow freestone flesh that remains firm when ripe.
- Earlier harvested fruit has a tangy flavor, later harvested fruit has a sweet, rich flavor.
- Very popular freestone variety.
- Heavy crops of very large fruit.
- Self-fruitful
- Excellent eating fruit.
- Very vigorous.
- Similar to peach in cultural requirements.
- Requires pruning and thinning for consistent, quality crops.
- Dislikes high humidity. Moderate fertility and good drainage a must.
- By pruning, you can keep your tree at any height.
- Harvest 4-5th year.
- USDA Zone 6-9, Requires 600 chill hours to set fruit. Protect when temperatures fall below -10°F.
- Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): July / August.
- Grafted onto Nemaguard rootstock