Elberta Peach- Variety Information
- The Queen of Peaches
- Excellent juicy, yellow freestone peach.
- Great for eating fresh or canning.
- Self-fruitful.
- Extremely vigorous trees requiring regular pruning and thinning.
- Needs fertile, well-drained soils.
- Tend to bloom early and may be difficult to crop in late frost areas.
- Plant several varieties for continued supply, as ripe fruit does not store well
- By pruning, you can keep your tree at any height.
- Harvest 4-5th year.
- Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): July.
- Grafted onto Krymsk 86 rootstock
- USDA Zone 5-9, Requires 600 chill hours to set fruit. Protect when temperatures fall below -20°F.