Last Chance Sale! 20% off ALL Bare Root Fruit Trees (while supplies last)
PINK LADY® Apple- Variety Information
- This delightful dessert apple is bursting with mouthwatering juicy flavor that strikes a balance between sweet and tart giving you an almost fizzy sensation with each bite!
- Also known as Cripps Pink
- Reddish-pink over green skin. The white flesh resists browning.
- Very crisp texture and balanced sweet-tart flavor.
- Low chill hours, good choice for milder climates.
- Hot climates produce the sweetest PINK LADY® apples.
- Apples are generally late blooming.
- Need full sun, well-drained soil, and moderate fertility.
- Thin fruit to maximize quality and size.
- Originally bred by John Cripps in Australia by crossing Lady Williams and Golden Delicious apples. (1973)
- In some areas can be self-fertile, but pollinizer is recommended for best production: Gala , Fuji , Granny Smith , Red Delicious
- Harvest 4-5th year.
- USDA Zone 6-9, Requires 300-400 chill hours to set fruit.
- Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): October / November.
- Grafted onto M-106 semi-dwarf rootstock.