Last Chance Sale! 20% off ALL Bare Root Fruit Trees (while supplies last)
Methley Plum- Variety Information
- Large round plums with reddish-purple skin and blood-red flesh.
- Sweet, juicy, mild flavor.
- Low chill hour requirement, good choice for milder climates.
- An attractive tree with lovely, fragrant blossoms in the spring.
- Methley is a vigorous grower with early, heavy crops of plums every year.
- The fruit has a good storage life for a plum.
- Self-fruitful.
- Japanese plums bloom and ripen earlier, tend and to have larger crops.
- They are not generally self-pollinated and can be tricky to grow in areas with late frosts.
- Larger, firmer fleshed, and rounder than European plums.
- Japanese plum trees have rougher bark, more persistent spurs, and more numerous flowers than European plums.
- They are also more precocious, disease-resistant, and vigorous than European plums.
- Japanese plum flavor ranges from sweet to tart.
- By pruning, you can keep your tree at any height.
- Grafted onto Myro 29C rootstock
- USDA Zone 5-9, Requires 250 chill hours to set fruit. Protect when temperatures fall below -10°F.
- Approximate harvest period (for Central CA): August.