All About the Dancy Tangerine Tree

All About the Dancy Tangerine Tree

4 minute read

The Dancy Tangerine tree or also known simply as Dancy, is a variety of mandarin orange tree (Citrus reticulata). Dancy Tangerines are known for their sweet, rich, and slightly tangy flavor. They are often considered one of the best-tasting mandarins, with a well-balanced combination of sweetness and acidity. The fruit is usually contains a few seeds.


Dancy Tangerines typically ripen in late fall to early winter. The exact ripening time may vary depending on your climate and growing conditions. You can usually tell when they are ready for harvest when the fruit reaches a bright orange color and is easy to separate from the tree with a gentle twist. They are typically alternate bearing, meaning they bear fruit every other year. Dancy Tangerine trees are not as cold-hardy as some other citrus varieties, but they can still tolerate light frosts. They are suitable for USDA hardiness zones 9-11, which means they can withstand temperatures down to around 32°F. If you live in a region with colder winters, you might want to consider growing the tree in a container and moving it indoors during the winter months.


Growing a Dancy Tangerine Tree in a Pot:


1. Select a Suitable Pot: Choose a large and sturdy container with excellent drainage. The size of a starter pot should be at about 10-14”, as citrus trees have extensive root systems and need room to grow but should not have an excessive amount of soil sitting around the rootball. A good choice is this 10.5” starter pot.

Planting in the ground: For in-ground planting, plant the tree in a prepared area about 3x the diameter of the pot, and as deep as possible. That soil should be well-draining and loose, allowing for root growth. To plant your tree, dig a hole that is twice the size of the root ball and at the same depth as the pot, keeping the crown of the roots just above the soil line. Water thoroughly after planting.

2. Potting Mix: Use a well-draining, chunky potting mix, such as our best-selling Primo Potting Mix.  Primo Potting Mix is a 2:1 mix that is specially selected to provide the best drainage, water retention, and nutrients to get your new tree started. This blend of orchid bark and orchid mix is designed for tropical plants and trees alike. Inspired by the 5:1:1 citrus potting mix, the Do-It-Yourself kit empowers you with the ingredients to make the perfect potting mix for your fruit trees.


3. Location: Place the potted Dancy Tangerine tree in a sunny location. These trees require full sun to thrive, so aim for at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.


4. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be cautious not to let the pot sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.


5. Fertilization: Fertilize your Dancy Tangerine tree with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer like Romeo Fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. It is not necessary to fertilize your citrus tree in the late fall or winter.


6. Pruning: Ip early spring, prune your tree to maintain its shape and size. Remove dead or diseased branches, and thin out the canopy to allow air and sunlight to penetrate.


7. Protection from Cold: If you live in a colder climate, bring the potted tree indoors when temperatures drop below its cold tolerance level. A bright, cool room without drafts is ideal for overwintering.


8. Pest and Disease Control: Monitor your tree for pests and diseases, and take appropriate measures, such as Captain Jack’s Insecticidal Soap or a neem oil solution if you notice any issues. Common pests for citrus trees include aphids, scale insects, and mites. 


By following these guidelines, you can successfully grow a Dancy Tangerine tree in a pot and enjoy the delicious fruit it produces. Remember to adjust care and maintenance practices based on your specific growing conditions and local climate.

Click here to see our Dancy Semi-Dwarf Tangerine Trees

Dancy Semi-Dwarf Tangerine Tree

Dancy Semi-Dwarf Tangerine Tree


--OVERVIEW-- Mid-Season Ripening The best-known tangerine, "Dancy" has fine foliage and upright habit. While the parentage is unknown, the Dancy Tangarine is thought to be the result of crossing two mandarins each with some amount of Pomelo in their DNA. … read more


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