Growing Avocado Background

Growing Avocado


Follow these crucial steps to keep your tree thriving

To acclimate your greenhouse-grown avocado tree successfully:

  • Remove all packaging and water the tree upon receipt.
  • Avoid direct sunlight immediately after receiving to prevent shock.
  • Place the tree in a protected area with morning sunlight and afternoon shade for the first 2-4 weeks. If planting in a container it is ok to plant right away and then acclimate.
  • Use wind breaks, shade cloth, and frost blankets to shield the tree from extreme weather.
  • Consider using tree paints and foliar sprays like IV Organics products to reduce sunburn and stress. Save 10% off IV Organics products at with code: JFDFC19YH8VX
  • Monitor temperatures; protect tree if they fall below 40°F or rise above 90°F.
  • Expect some initial stress during this transition; remain patient and vigilant.
  • Very Important: Do not disturb the rootball when planting.


Well drained soil, sunny locations, and wind protection

Avocados require well drained soil and will not thrive in heavy clay soils for long. If you do have heavy clay soils, we recommend planting your avocado tree in a raised bed. The raised bed should be at least two feet above the existing grade of the soil. It is also very important not to plant avocado trees too deeply. We recommend planting them at least l"-2" inches above the existing soil grade and then creating a small mound around the base with a mixture of compost and well drained soil.

Avocado trees should be planted in sunny locations that are protected from wind. Avocado trees are susceptible to root rot so you should not plant a new avocado tree in a space where an old tree had died as the soil may be contaminated.

If you want to mix more than one type of avocado tree together in a back yard setting, it is possible to plant more than one tree in the same hole or plant the trees together with as little as 4 feet of space between the trunks. But remember, avocado trees can grow up to 25' if not shaped, so select variety planting site carefully.


Do not overwater avocado trees!

Do not overwater avocado trees! Over watering trees in the ground  in certain soils is often the number one factor in causing root rot. Avocados prefer infrequent deep root watering. It is best to allow trees to dry out before you apply water again.  

Avocados in containers do need consistent frequent watering.


Apply 3-4 inch layer of mulch

It is a good idea to apply a 3 to 4 inch layer of mulch to avocado trees each year to help retain soil moisture and improve soil quality. Apply mulch in spring and fall under the canopy of the tree, keep it away from the trunk of the tree.


Avocados should be minimally pruned

Avocados should only be minimally pruned in order to shape and control size.

Frequent pinching of young trees is a good method to shape the tree, rather than heavy pruning. Avocado trees can be susceptible to sunburn so newly pruned trees and young trees can be whitewashed with interior white latex paint, diluted 50-50 with water during periods of high summer heat and intense sunshine.


Fed on a regular basis

Avocado trees should be fed on a regular basis. Fertilize using well balanced citrus / avocado food using the manufacturer’s recommendations.  Avocado trees that have been well feed year-round are better able to deal with cold temperatures in the winter.

In California, avocado trees can be considered self-fruitful.
