A Beginner's Guide to Growing Avocado Trees

A Beginner's Guide to Growing Avocado Trees

4 minute read

A Beginner's Guide to Growing Avocado Trees


Growing avocado trees at home can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. They can not only give you amazing, delicious fruit, but can become a part of your family’s story, growing and providing year after year through the generations. There is nothing quite as enjoyable as the creamy texture and flavor of homegrown avocado. 


Here are some of the fundamentals to help you achieve thriving fruitful avocado trees that will be a source of pride and delight for years to come. 


Unpacking and Acclimation:

As you unbox your avocado tree, take a moment to appreciate the journey it's been on, from grafted seedling to tree. Remove the protective plastic bag, water your tree well and then start the process of acclimating your tree. Gradually introduce your tree to its outdoor environment, shielding it from direct sunlight for the first few weeks to prevent any shock. Acclimating your greenhouse-grown avocado tree is vital to the success of the tree in its first season. It will shock the tree if you put it in direct sunlight for too long the first couple of weeks. The ideal location is outside in a spot by the house with indirect sunlight that gets an hour or two of direct light throughout the day. After the acclimation period, you can move your adjusted tree into its final location. Remember, patience is key during the acclimation process. 


Choosing the Perfect Spot:

Avocado trees thrive in sunny, well-drained locations. Select a spot in your garden that receives 8 hours of sunlight every day. In areas with high summer temperatures, select a location with afternoon shade.


Planting Preparation:

Prepare your planting site with care, ensuring the soil is well-draining and free from heavy clay. If your soil doesn't meet these criteria, consider building a raised mound to elevate your tree above the troublesome soil. Once your ground is prepped you can dig a hole in your soil as deep as your tree pot and make sure to plant no deeper than the soil level of the tree. Avoid pilling up any soil against the trunk as this can encourage rot and fungal activity. If you live in a climate that regularly drops below 32°F you will need to provide frost protection during winter or grow indoors as the cold will severely damage your tree. **It is very important to avoid disturbing the roots at all when planting. They are fragile and very sensitive to disruption. 


Container Considerations:

For urban gardeners or those with limited space, growing avocado trees in pots or containers is a viable option. Some varieties that can be grown in pots include GEM, Holiday and Little Cado. Avocados will eventually need at least a 20-gallon container for their spreading root systems and expect your tree to reach about 10-12 feet at maturity. This should be done over time starting with a smaller container and working your way up. Much like outdoor growing, you want to provide a warm location with 8+ hours of sun per day and plant in a well-draining soil mix.  Again, in areas with high summer temperatures, select a location with afternoon shade.


Watering Wisdom:

Strike a balance with your watering regimen – avocados prefer deep, infrequent watering over shallow, frequent drenching. Monitor the soil moisture closely and adjust your watering schedule accordingly, ensuring your tree remains hydrated but not waterlogged.


Nourishment and Mulching:

Feed your avocado tree with a balanced fertilizer to support its growth and development. Apply a generous layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and protect the roots from temperature fluctuations. We recommend G&B Organics Citrus & Fruit Tree Fertilizer. 



Focus on shaping and thinning rather than aggressive pruning, and be mindful of exposing the trunk to excessive sunlight.


Weather Watch:

For the first few years, it is crucial that you protect or shield your avocado trees from extreme weather conditions, whether it's scorching summer heat or frosty winter chills. A little protection goes a long way in safeguarding your tree's health and vitality. For hot days, consider protecting your tree with IV Organics Tree Paint, which acts as a sunscreen for your young tree. You can also provide them with afternoon shade. Create a shade covering for young trees using a tomato cage and shade cloth.Use frost cloth covers and non-LED Christmas lights to protect your trees from freezing temperatures. 


For more insights about growing avocado trees, click here.

To see our our selection of avocado trees, click here.

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